Egg white! protein! From the first day, I came into contact with Fitness and learned about nutrition. It just kept rolling over and over in my mind. Protein is the lifeline of fitness. One of the most important nutrients in bodybuilding. Without protein there is no muscle.

Such an important protein. Today, Abang took some time to sort out some knowledge about protein, so that every fitness enthusiast can truly understand protein and no longer be confused about protein issues.

First of all, let’s talk about the role of protein, the significance of protein for muscles, and the basic knowledge of protein will not be mentioned again. It is available on the official website of the fitness bar. You can check it yourself in the nutritional supplement section.

1: Know how much protein you need

One very important thing is that you don't eat too much protein, that is, you don't overindulge in it. We're not telling you that these have to be in protein powder form, so how much protein powder you should take depends on your current diet. The following are the recommended protein intakes for several athletes

A. Endurance training/aerobic athletes: 1.2-1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight/day

B. Strength training/general fitness athletes: 1.8-2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight/day

C. Professional bodybuilding/muscle-building athletes: 2.5-3.5 grams per kilogram of body weight/day

Example: An average fitness male of about 70kg will need about 126-175g of protein per day to satisfy his strength and routine training.

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