Kimchi is laced with capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their kick. A 2015 study found that capsaicin increases the fat-burning effect of exercise.

Get more fat-burning recipes here.

    <h4 class="recipe-ingredients__title">Ingredients</h4>
    <ul class="recipe-ingredients__list">
                                <li>1 lb  pork tenderloin, sliced into ½-inch-thick rounds </li>
                                            <li>1 tbsp  grape-seed or canola oil</li>
                                            <li>1½ cups  chopped kimchi</li>
                                            <li>1 cup  cherry tomatoes, halved</li>
                                            <li>1 orange bell pepper, diced</li>
                                            <li>1 mango, diced</li>
                                            <li>2 scallions, thinly sliced</li>
                                            <li>⅓ cup  chopped cilantro</li>
                                            <li>1 small avocado</li>
                                            <li>½ cup  sour cream</li>
                                            <li>1 tsp  lime zest</li>
                                            <li>12 large lettuce leaves</li>
                                            <li>to taste salt and pepper</li>

    <h2 class="block-title"><span>Directions</span></h2>

                            <li>Season pork with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add pork slices and heat until cooked through, about 3 minutes per side.</li>
                                    <li>In a bowl, toss together kimchi, tomatoes, bell pepper, mango, scallions, and cilantro.</li>
                                    <li>Place avocado, sour cream, and lime zest in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.</li>
                                    <li>Divide pork among lettuce leaves. Top with kimchi salsa and avocado cream.</li>

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